What did others write?
This page contains links to articles others wrote about us.
In 2011, a piece about the campsite appeared in Caravannen magazine on Glamping.
The campsite can also be found on Zoover.
In the PZC also appeared an article about the campsite about the yurts we had until 2023: Winterkamperen in een yurt.
The website bijzonderecampings.nl lists all the special and unique campsites, including our campsite.
Kampeermagazine, Kampeerkaart, Campingzoeker and NederlandCamping are sites on which many campsites, including the Kermisrose, are registered.
And also on camper sites like CamperContact and Park4night the camper spots are registered.
Updated 31-1-2024
Contact / Reservations
Mobile phone: 0615148524 / 0653442746
E-mail: info@boerenrustcamping.nl
Latest news
Camping | Camping | Tee Garden |
Opening hours tea garden:
We are open again from the beginning of April 2025. Groups of 8 people or more are welcome upon reservation.
We rent a 2-person gypsy caravan, a 4-person Mammaloe gypsy caravan, a 4-person English double-decker bus, 2 Finnish Kota's and a 2-person vintage caravan.
Updated 25-01-2024